Denny Crane- Guns

A clip from Boston Legal involving Denny Crane and Guns….A very comprehensive rant by actor Christian Clemenson, as Jerry Espenson in Boston Legal episode Dancing With Wolves, season 5, episode 3.
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Linkin Park – What I’ve Done

Linkin Park – What I’ve Done music video From the new album „Minutes to Midnight“ Support Linkin Park !!!…Linkin Park „What I’ve Done“ off of the album MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT. Directed by Joe Hahn.

Angelo Tsarouchas: Greek Names

Angelo Tsarouchas:Greek names have a tendency to stand out when you are not in Greece….Alexander the Great was Greek!!! His father was FIlippos II and his mom was princess Olympias, both parents are Greek!

Cat vs. Turtle

I guess the turtle needed some extra armor….These tortoises just want to have some fun, make friends and play with cats, but cats have different plans – to be alone.