Criz feat Haftbefehl Unter Tatverdacht.mp4

Criz feat Haftbefehl Unter Tatverdacht echte musik jonesmann criz lex barkey blaze yassir haftbefehl sex auto frauen nackt sido bushiode berlin aggro azad bozz music frankfurt belrin dsds pop star savas gina lisa monrose…
Charts Musik


I was in London, England at the time of Michael’s memorial and watched it on the TV in my hotel room. I remember being gutted by his death and disgusted by the majority of people paying tribute to him at this memorial. Where were these people during the last years of his life when he was ostracized by most of society? Why were they not vocal of their support and love for him when life continually knocked him down? These people were, for the most part, silent…until he died and it became acceptable again to openly profess affection for Michael Jackson.
This music video is a short and simplified version of Michael Jackson Tribute Memorial Concerto in C Minor ( This Is It movie and trailer; Thriller, Billie Jean,……

DSDS 2011 – Patrick Nuo´s “King of Pop” ist Dieter Bohlen

Am 8.Januar 2011 ist es nun soweit. “DSDS 2011” wird das neue Jahr mit Pauken und Trompeten eröffnen und Pop-Titan Dieter Bohlen wird mit seinen neuen Jury-Kollegen Fernanda Brandao und Patrick Nuo den neuen deutschen Superstar suchen. In einem Interview erzählte Patrick Nuo wie er zu seinem Glück als Juror für “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” kam und wie er sich als solcher fühlt.